Posts by CactusPie - SPT Mods Workshop (2024)

  • CactusPie's Minimap

    • CactusPie
    • Jan 24th 2024

        Ahh, I suppose you could just make them transparent?

      • Fast healing

        • CactusPie
        • Jan 21st 2024

            CactusPie added a new file:


            Fast healing

            Posts by CactusPie - SPT Mods Workshop (5)

            Faster healing and surgery + dynamic healing time for less damaged body parts



            This mod allows you to customize healing and surgery time to your liking. Additionally, you can speed up healing for less damaged body parts, so you no longer have to perform full healing animation just to heal 1 or 2 hit points.

            Warning: faster healing works only for limbs without bleeding or fractures! Enabling it for bleeding or fractured limbs causes the game to bug out, and at the moment I don't want to spend time working around this issue.


            Copy CactusPie.FastHealing.dll to BepInEx/plugins directory

            Configuration (F12 menu)

            • Enable surgery time multiplier - whether the surgery time multiplier is enabled
            • Surgery time multiplier - the surgery time will be multiplied by this number. For instance
              • Setting it to 0.5 will make it two times faster
              • Setting it to 0.25 will make it four times faster
              • Setting it to 2.0 will make it two times slower
            • Enable healing time multiplier - whether the healing time multiplier is enabled
            • Healing time multiplier - the healing time will be multiplied by this number. For instance
              • Setting it to 0.5 will make it two times faster
              • Setting it to 0.25 will make it four times faster
              • Setting it to 2.0 will make it two times slower
            • Dynamic heal time enabled - enabling this will make less damaged limbs heal faster. For instance, if you lost only 1hp in a specific limb, it will be healed very quickly. The more HP you lose, the longer the healing will take - but it will never go above the vanilla time.
            • Dynamic healing time health threshold - the percentage of health required for the dynamic healing to trigger. By default, it is set to 50, which means the limb needs to have more than 50% of health for it to heal faster. For instance, stomach has a maximum of 70 hit points by default, which means that it will need to have at least 36 hit points for it to heal faster.
            • Dynamic heal time multiplier - the default value (1.0) is the default multiplier for how much should the healing be sped up. Decreasing it below 1.0 will make the dynamic healing even faster, while increasing it will make it slower.

            The final equation for calculating the dynamic healing time, assuming that all options are enabled, is as follows:


            If the limb is below the theshold for dynamic healing, only regular multiplier will be applied. Thus, the equation will become:


            Display More
          • Transfer loot into a container automatically

            • CactusPie
            • Jan 18th 2024

                CactusPie added a new version:


                Transfer loot into a container automatically 1.4.1

                Posts by CactusPie - SPT Mods Workshop (8)

                Fixed an issue that would sometimes prevent items from being transferred when "Merge stacks for non-loot containers" is enabled



                Fixed an issue that would sometimes prevent items from being transferred when "Merge stacks for non-loot containers" is enabled

              • CactusPie's Minimap

                • CactusPie
                • Jan 18th 2024

                    CactusPie added a new version:


                    CactusPie's Minimap 2.0.4

                    Posts by CactusPie - SPT Mods Workshop (11)

                    • Compatibility patch for BoopsQuestZoneAPI - available as a separate download below
                    • Disabling "Auto-switch levels" will disable it for bots too

                    If you use BoopsQuestZoneAPI, you also need to download this patch for 3.7.6, otherwise the map will not work!



                    • Compatibility patch for BoopsQuestZoneAPI - available as a separate download below
                    • Disabling "Auto-switch levels" will disable it for bots too

                    If you use BoopsQuestZoneAPI, you also need to download this patch for 3.7.6, otherwise the map will not work!


                  • CactusPie's Minimap

                    • CactusPie
                    • Jan 17th 2024

                        Quote from deveagle

                        Oh noooo. Please make the compatibility! This mod is my best (drawing the map, etc) but i have love the questing traders (boop's quest zone api use).

                        Thanks for your hard work!

                        Quote from MNSTR

                        Damn okay I have Boop's Quest Zone API, so that's gotta be it. Is there any sort of workaround or can I just simply not have both installed?

                        Edit: Deleted Boop's Quest Zone API and the trader that required it. Which immediately fixed my issue. Thank you!

                        I've made the patch. Please check the mod description for details Posts by CactusPie - SPT Mods Workshop (16)

                      • Transfer loot into a container automatically

                        • CactusPie
                        • Jan 14th 2024

                            CactusPie added a new version:


                            Transfer loot into a container automatically 1.4.0

                            Posts by CactusPie - SPT Mods Workshop (18)

                            Added an option to automatically merge stacks (money, ammo, etc.) when quickly transferring items to containers not marked with a loot tag



                            Added an option to automatically merge stacks (money, ammo, etc.) when quickly transferring items to containers not marked with a loot tag

                          • Item stash count in name

                            • CactusPie
                            • Jan 14th 2024

                                CactusPie added a new file:


                                Item stash count in name

                                Posts by CactusPie - SPT Mods Workshop (21)

                                Adds a prefix to an item name that shows how many units of that item you have in your stash



                                Only items in your stash are included - items in your character inventory will NOT be counted!

                                Default format is [{items found in raid}/{all items}]

                                Mainly created with SoftCore mod in mind, however this mod will work even without SoftCore. Personally I find it a lot easier to just scan through the item names to see which ones I should prioritize.


                                Copy CactusPie.ItemCountInName.dll to BepInEx/plugins directory


                                • Mod enabled - whether the item count should be shown
                                • Only in raid (true by default) - whether the item count should only be shown in raid. If you disable it, the item count will also work in the hideout, however, the count may not always reflect the actual status. The count is refreshed when:
                                  • You open up (or re-open) your inventory
                                  • You retrieve a crafted item
                                  • You buy or sell an item from a trader
                                • Item name format - the format of the prefix. By default, equals to [{0}/{1}] {2} where:
                                  • {0} - number of items found in raid
                                  • {1} - total number of items (both found in raid and not found in raid)
                                  • {2} - item name
                                  • This can be changed however you like. For instance, setting it to {2} [{0}/{1}] would instead add the count at the end of the name
                                • Format for no items - the format that will be applied when you have no matching items in stash, where
                                  • {0} - item name
                                  • This can be changed however you like. For instance, setting it to {0} would remove the count completely when you have no matching items
                                • Item type blacklist - which types of items should be ignored by this mod. By default only money and ammo are checked, which means money and ammo will NOT have item count added to them. You can change it to your liking.
                                Display More
                              • CactusPie's Minimap

                                • CactusPie
                                • Jan 8th 2024

                                    Quote from MXMX126

                                    I at the time of the component, hint I need the authorization of

                                    Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean

                                  • CactusPie's Minimap

                                    • CactusPie
                                    • Dec 25th 2023

                                        I'll take a look later, but no promises!

                                      • CactusPie's Minimap

                                        • CactusPie
                                        • Dec 24th 2023

                                            If returns null for everything even in raid then it's not a firewall issue. Some other mod must be causing a conflict - most likely a client mod. You can see if the same issue happens without any client mods to confirm it. It is confirmed that these mods caus conflicts, but it might also be some other mod entirely:

                                            Enable All Quest Items

                                            Helicopter Crash Sites

                                            Boop's Quest Zone API

                                          • CactusPie's Minimap

                                            • CactusPie
                                            • Dec 23rd 2023

                                                CactusPie added a new version:


                                                CactusPie's Minimap 2.0.3

                                                Posts by CactusPie - SPT Mods Workshop (28)

                                                • Automatic level changing will now correctly apply to bot markers
                                                • Added missing map creation data for interchange

                                                If you use BoopsQuestZoneAPI, you also need to download this patch for 3.7.6, otherwise the map will not work!




                                                • Automatic level changing will now correctly apply to bot markers
                                                • Added missing map creation data for interchange
                                              • Ram Cleaner Fix

                                                • CactusPie
                                                • Dec 11th 2023

                                                    CactusPie added a new file:


                                                    Ram Cleaner Fix

                                                    Posts by CactusPie - SPT Mods Workshop (31)

                                                    A workaround for RAM Cleaner running only in the settings menu



                                                    Currently, there is an issue with the RAM cleaner running only when you enter the settings menu. This means that in order to prevent Tarkov from using too much memory, you need to remember to enter the menu every few minutes in raid. In order to alleviate that, this mod allows you to set custom intervals for running the RAM cleaner automatically.


                                                    Copy CactusPie.RamCleanerInterval.dll to BepInEx\plugins directory

                                                    Settings (F12 menu)

                                                    • Interval enabled - unchecking this check box will disable this mod - the RAM cleaner will run normally, as if the mod wasn't installed.
                                                    • Interval (seconds) - how frequently the RAM cleaner should be executed. The default is set to 300 seconds, which means that the RAM cleaner will run every 5 minutes.
                                                    • Clean now - pressing this button will execute the RAM cleaner immediately
                                                    • Only in raid - by default, this mod will run RAM cleaner only in raid. Disabling this checkbox will also run the intervals outside of raid as well

                                                    One thing to keep in mind - the "Interval enabled" setting in this mod is separate from the "Automatic RAM Cleaner" setting already built into the game. If you disable the RAM cleaner in game, but enable it in this mod the RAM cleaner will still run at the intervals you specified. In order to completely disable the RAM cleaner, you need to disable it both in game and in the mod.

                                                    The mod doesn't modify the way RAM Cleaner works. It only executes it.

                                                    Display More
                                                  • CactusPie's Minimap

                                                    • CactusPie
                                                    • Dec 11th 2023

                                                        CactusPie added a new version:


                                                        CactusPie's Minimap 2.0.2

                                                        Posts by CactusPie - SPT Mods Workshop (34)

                                                        Self-contained release in order to avoid problems with missing libraries on some systems. If version 2.0.1 works well for you, there is no need to update, as there are no functional changes in this version.



                                                        Self-contained release in order to avoid problems with missing libraries on some systems

                                                      • CactusPie's Minimap

                                                        • CactusPie
                                                        • Dec 9th 2023

                                                            CactusPie added a new version:


                                                            CactusPie's Minimap 2.0.1

                                                            Posts by CactusPie - SPT Mods Workshop (37)

                                                            Fixed quest marker rotation on rotated maps (Lighthouse, Labs and possibly others)



                                                            Fixed quest marker rotation on rotated maps (Lighthouse, Labs and possibly others)

                                                          • Fast-Forward Search (FFS)

                                                            • CactusPie
                                                            • Dec 8th 2023

                                                                CactusPie added a new version:


                                                                Fast-Forward Search (FFS) 1.2.0

                                                                Added an option to instantly reveal everything - without the need to even press the search button. Disabled by default, you can enable it by pressing F12 and checking the "Instantly reveal everything" checkbox



                                                                Added an option to instantly reveal everything - without the need to even press the search button. Disabled by default, you can enable it by pressing F12 and checking the "Instantly reveal everything" checkbox

                                                              • CactusPie's Minimap

                                                                • CactusPie
                                                                • Dec 7th 2023

                                                                    CactusPie added a new version:


                                                                    CactusPie's Minimap 2.0.0

                                                                    Posts by CactusPie - SPT Mods Workshop (42)

                                                                    - Added enemy position display (radar)
                                                                    - Added quest markers (thanks to TechHappy and kmyuhkyuk)
                                                                    - Added an airdrop marker (credits to TechHappy)
                                                                    - Added automatic map and level switching
                                                                    - Map switching for dorms
                                                                    - Added an option to define custom bounds for automatic level switching
                                                                    - Extended the UI
                                                                    - Converted maps to jpeg in order to reduce the mod size
                                                                    - New communication method between the game and the map
                                                                    - Significant behind-the-scenes code changes
                                                                    - Improved coefficient calculation for…



                                                                    - Added enemy position display (radar)

                                                                    - Added quest markers (thanks to TechHappy and kmyuhkyuk)

                                                                    - Added an airdrop marker (credits to TechHappy)

                                                                    - Added automatic map and level switching

                                                                    - Map switching for dorms

                                                                    - Added an option to define custom bounds for automatic level switching

                                                                    - Extended the UI

                                                                    - Converted maps to jpeg in order to reduce the mod size

                                                                    - New communication method between the game and the map

                                                                    - Significant behind-the-scenes code changes

                                                                    - Improved coefficient calculation for polynomials above a linear function (level 1 polynomial)

                                                                    Display More
                                                                  • Custom inventory container priority

                                                                    • CactusPie
                                                                    • Nov 23rd 2023

                                                                        CactusPie added a new version:


                                                                        Custom inventory container priority 1.2.1

                                                                        Posts by CactusPie - SPT Mods Workshop (45)

                                                                        Fix in-raid detection while the hideout is loaded



                                                                        Fix in-raid detection while the hideout is loaded

                                                                      • Transfer loot into a container automatically

                                                                        • CactusPie
                                                                        • Nov 23rd 2023

                                                                            CactusPie added a new version:


                                                                            Transfer loot into a container automatically 1.3.1

                                                                            Posts by CactusPie - SPT Mods Workshop (48)

                                                                            If the first matching container is full, put the loot into the next matching container



                                                                            If the first matching container is full, put the loot into the next matching container

                                                                          • Transfer loot into a container automatically

                                                                            • CactusPie
                                                                            • Nov 22nd 2023

                                                                                CactusPie added a new version:


                                                                                Transfer loot into a container automatically 1.3.0

                                                                                Posts by CactusPie - SPT Mods Workshop (51)

                                                                                Added priority container selection/sorting, for instance @loot2 will take higher priority than @loot3



                                                                                Added priority container selection/sorting, for instance @loot2 will take higher priority than @loot3

                                                                              • Custom inventory container priority

                                                                                • CactusPie
                                                                                • Nov 21st 2023

                                                                                    CactusPie added a new version:


                                                                                    Custom inventory container priority 1.2.0

                                                                                    Posts by CactusPie - SPT Mods Workshop (54)

                                                                                    Removed the ability to reverse the order outside of raid as it was causing issues - will revisit that later



                                                                                    Removed the ability to reverse the order outside of raid as it was causing issues - will revisit that later

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                                                                                  Name: Reed Wilderman

                                                                                  Birthday: 1992-06-14

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                                                                                  Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.