Thunder on the Mountain: Death at Massey and the Dirty Secrets behind Big Coal (2024)

“Scathing exposé of the coal industry . . . [Galuszka’s] reporting is impressive, from the painstakingly reconstructed hours leading up to the disaster, to the starkly silhouetted Donald Blankenship, the cost-cutting, anti-environmentalist former head of Massey Energy.”
New York Times Sunday Book Review

“The 2010 tragedy at the Upper Big Branch Mine resonated nationwide and has resulted in a great deal of soul-searching among Americans over the price paid for our dependence on ‘Big Coal’ . . . Beyond the mining catastrophe at its core, this is a book about working America and how one industry has conquered a landscape’s body and soul. Bracing, powerful, and pertinent, this is a timely and clarion call for myth-busting change.”
Booklist(Editor's Choice 2012. Starred Review)

“A fascinating—and infuriating—account of the deadliest industry on earth. Deadly for its workers and the people unfortunate enough to live near its mines, but deadlier still for the planet. You can't understand our moment in time without understanding the coal industry.”
Bill McKibben, New York Times bestsellingauthor ofEarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet

“Appalachia may be blessed with the ‘world’s best metallurgical coal,’ but as journalist Galuszka’s powerful book shows, this coal is both ‘a curse and a prize . . . ’ He convincingly excoriates the safety record of Massey Energy and its controversial former CEO, Don Blankenship . . . Drawing on his personal experience of Appalachia, Galuszka offers a sympathetic but unsentimental portrait of the region’s people and their struggles.”
Publishers Weekly

“Scrupulously researched . . . Galuszka’s thoroughness provides readers a clear sense of the complex class issues at play in Appalachia and the difficult politics within coal-mining communities; he is attuned to both the lives of the miners and the maneuvers of the energy industry. . . . A disturbing and pessimistic narrative documenting little-known problems of fossil-fuel dependence.”
Kirkus Reviews

“Natural gas, renewables, and efficiency are positioned to be the sources of America’s energy expansion, while coal represents the nation’s past. Galuszka’sThunder on the Mountain highlights the disturbing and often deadly impacts of this highly polluting energy source and why Big Coal might just be losing its power.”
Ron Pernick, managing director of Clean Edge, Inc. and co-author ofThe Clean Tech RevolutionandClean Tech Nation

“Peter Galuszka has absolutely nailed his subject on every level. He displays an intimate understanding of the people in Appalachia including those who work in coal mines. Yet at the same time, he understands how global energy demand and financial pressures created the conditions in which Massey’s Don Blankenship cut corners at the Upper Big Branch mine, resulting in twenty-nine deaths. It is a devastating portrait of an individual, and an industry. No one has put this story together as well as Galuszka has.”
William J. Holstein, author ofThe Next American Economy andWhy GM Matters

“With measured and dogged reporting, Galuszka persuasively reveals how corporate greed and mismanagement, Appalachian underdevelopment, insatiable global demand for coal, and the right-wing backlash against government regulation and labor organization resulted in tragedy at Upper Big Branch. Essential reading for anyone interested in the past, present, and future of Big Coal.”
Thomas G. Andrews, Bancroft Prize winning author ofKilling for Coal: America's Deadliest Labor War

“Peter Galuszka exposes a seam that runs deep in American history—thecorporate indifference of Big Coal, itsneglect of workersafety, and thefight waged byminers and their families for dignity and quality of life.”
Philip Dray, author ofThere Is Power in a Union: The Epic Story of Labor in America

“Peter Galuszka has written a powerful book that lays bare the corporate greed behind one of the worst mining disasters in modern times.Thunder on the Mountainputs a human face on tragedy, and Galuszka’s own ties to West Virginia provide poignant context to both mine workers’ plight and the environment for which Massey Energy showed what can only be described as contempt. Every member of Congress should read this book and then ask themselves why they failed to pass a mine safety bill in the wake of such unabashed disregard for safety and human life.”
Loren C. Steffy, author ofDrowning in Oil: BP and the Reckless Pursuit of Profit

“Peter Galuszka has a deep appreciation of Appalachia and its damaged beauty, having grown up in West Virginia andfiled decades of coal stories as a reporter. InThunder on the Mountain he draws vivid portraits ofall the characters in the ongoing tragedy of Appalachian mining, from the twenty-nine victims of Upper Big Branch to the watery-eyed, self-righteous CEO of Massey Mining, Don Blankenship, whose brutal ways brought such misery to so many.”
Michael Shnayerson, author ofCoal River

“Thunder on the Mountain is an important book about a coal mining disaster and it is also a timely reminder of the dangers of putting profits before safety in the energy business.”
Stanley Reed, former London bureau chief ofBusinessWeekand co-author ofIn Too Deep: BP and the Drilling Race That Took It Down

Thunder on the Mountain: Death at Massey and the Dirty Secrets behind Big Coal (2024)


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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.